A sovereign state in South Asia. The constitutional name of Bangladesh is the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Geopolitically, Bangladesh is bounded on the west by West Bengal, on the north by West Bengal, Assam and Meghalaya, on the east by Assam, Tripura and Mizoram, on the southeast by the Chinese states of Myanmar and Rakhine, and on the south coast by the Bay of Bengal.Bangladesh is located across the region.56 international rivers flow over the riverine territory of Bangladesh. To the north-east and south-east of Bangladesh are the mountains of the Tertiary period. The world's largest mangrove forest Sundarbans and the longest natural beach Cox's Bazar beach is located in Bangladesh. In the ancient and classical period of South Asia, settlements called Banga, Pundra, Gaur, Gangariddhi, Samatat and Harikela were formed in the region of Bangladesh. The region was a province of the Mauryan Empire in the Mauryan era. The towns were famous for their naval power and maritime trade. The villages exported muslin and silk to the Middle East and the Roman Empire. In the first millennium, the Pala Empire, the Chandra Dynasty and the Sen Dynasty were formed centering on the territory of Bangladesh.After the conquest of Gaur by Bakhtiyar Khalji and the spread of Islam in the region during the Delhi Sultanate. Europeans considered Shahi Bengal to be the richest trading country in the world. During the Mughal period, 12 per cent of the world's gross domestic product (GDP) was generated in Subah Bengal ,which at that time was more than the GDP of the whole of Western Europe. From 175 to 1947, the territory of Bangladesh was part of the Presidency of Bengal . 1947 partition of India after the Bangladesh region of East Bengali (19471956, East Pakistan, 19561971), the newly formed Dominion of Pakistan was included. With the development of Bengali nationalism centered on the Bengali language movement from 1947 to 1956 , India was able to fight against various political, cultural and economic exploitations, inequalities and oppression in West Pakistan.Through armed struggle , East Pakistan was established in 1971 as an independent and sovereign nation called "Bangladesh" . Poverty and natural disasters have occurred at different times in post-independence Bangladesh ; In addition, protracted political instability and repeated military coups have repeatedly disrupted the overall political stability of the country. The parliamentary system was re - established in 1991 through the anti-authoritarian movement of the 1990s, which continues to this day. Despite all the adversities, the economic progress and prosperity of Bangladesh in the last two decades has been recognized all over the world. Population in the world 's eighth largest country, Bangladesh, although the size of the 9 th 6 small islands and city-states, after the world's most densely populated country in Bangladesh. With a population of less than 56,000 square miles, the estimated population (2016) of this small country is more than 160 million, or 279 people per square mile (1,115 people per square kilometer). [X] of the country's population, 99 percent of the human tongue Bengali ; The literacy rate is 72 percent. 201718 fiscal year, the current market value of the gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to 2250479 million (26127 billion US dollars), which grow in fiscal year 201819 28582 billion dollars will be raised Has been estimated. [24] In the 2017-18 financial year, the average annual per capita income of the people of Bangladesh was ৭ 1,752. The government estimates that the per capita income for the 2018-19 fiscal year will be ৯ 1,958 or লাখ 1,60,392. [25] The poverty rate is 26.20 percent, the number of extremely poor people is 11.90 percent, and the annual poverty reduction rate is 1.5 percent. The developing country has been on the list of " next eleven " economies for almost two decades, achieving economic growth of 5 to 6.2 percent annually . CapitalExpansion of Dhaka and other cities is working as the driving force of this development in Bangladesh. At its core has been the rapid development of an aspiring middle class and the emergence of a capable and active entrepreneurial class. Bangladesh's export-oriented garment industry is especially famous all over the world. Manpower export is also one of the economic pillars of the country. The World Bank estimates that Bangladesh's economy will grow at an average rate of 7.8 percent per year in these two fiscal years 2016-20. [26] Located in the fertile basin of the Ganges-Brahmaputra, the country experiences seasonal floods almost every year; And cyclones are also very common. The main problem of this low-income country is that widespread poverty has been largely under control in the last two decades, literacy rates have risen rapidly, and birth control programs have achieved unprecedented success. Besides, Bangladesh has been able to make exemplary progress in the International Human Resource Development Index. [26] However, Bangladesh still faces a number of important challenges, including pervasive familism, political and administrative corruption, economic competition in the context of globalization, and climate change.As a result, there is a fear of sinking as a result of rising sea level. Moreover, in the form of an acceptable electoral system, social divisions have been created in new ways. Parliamentary democratic system of government is prevalent in Bangladesh . Bangladesh is a founding member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and BIMSTEC . The country is also an active member of the United Nations , the World Trade Organization , the World Customs Organization , the Commonwealth of Nations , the six developing countries , the Non-Aligned Movement , the OIC , and more. The word Bangladesh is found in the early twentieth century, when the term began to be used as a general term through patriotic songs such as Kazi Nazrul Islam 's "Nom Nom Nom Bangladesh Mom" ​​and Rabindranath Tagore 's "Aji Bangladesh Hriday To" [26] In the past, the word Bangladesh was written as two separate words in the form of Bangla Desh . In the early 1950s, Bengali nationalists used the term for political meetings, processions and rallies in East Pakistan . The word Bangla is a major name for both the Bengal area and the Bengali area. The earliest use of the word is found in Nesari in 605 ADOn the plate. The term Vangladesa is also found in 11th-century South Asian manuscripts . [29] [30] The term gained official status during the Bengal Sultanate in the 14th century . [31] [32] In 1342, Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah declared himself the first Shah of Bengal . [31] The term Bengali was most commonly used to refer to the region during Islamic rule. In the 18th century, the Portuguese started referring to the region as Bangala. [33] The origin of Bengali or Bengal words is unknown; It is believed that the modern name of the Sultanate period, Bengal word is derived from. But some historians speculate that the word originated from a Dravidian-speaking tribe or group called the Bang or Bang . The Bong people settled in the region around 1000 BC. [34] According to some historians, Bong was the second son of Hind, where Hind was the first son of Ham and Ham's father was the Prophet Noah . [35] According to another theory, the word originated from the word Bhanga ( Banga ), which came from the Austrian word "Banga", meaning Anshumali. [36] The term break , and other words that Bengal words speculated to face (as part of ) the ancient Indian texts such as the Vedas , Jaina texts , the Mahabharata and the Puranas . The earliest reference to "Bhangaladesa / Bhangadesam" ( Bengal / Bengal ) is aimed at the Nesari plaque of Rashtrakuta Govinda III (before 605 AD), where King Dharmapala of BhangalaThe profile is written.

Bangladesh Map