Legendary actor Humayun Faridi. He had a free movement in drama, film or stage. On this day in 2012, he has gone to the country without spreading sadness in the colour of Phagun. The actor is lying in sleep at the martyred intellectual cemetery in Mirpur in the capital. He is still alive in the minds of the devotees even after he died. His words still shake the minds of the devotees.
The actor enthralled people with just acting on the postsite. He is called the actor of the actors, an ideal artist. Who was not a fan of his expressions, laughter, personality! For many, the story of his personal life is also quite inspiring.
On January 19 last year, a Facebook-based online organization called 'Ekushey Medal for Faridi' collected public signatures at the Students' Teachers Centre (TSC) of Dhaka University and the Bangladesh Academy of Arts. Its members also organized a programme at Jahangirnagar University (JABI) on January 26 demanding the same. As an economics student, Faridi's education was spent in Jabit.
Humayun Faridi was the leader of some of the performers who popularised stage and TV plays in the eighties and nineties. Nandit and Baranya have spread colour in films for more than three decades in their lifetime. Due to this, he made a permanent seat in the minds of numerous devotees at home and abroad. The talented artist, who has shown equal expertise in all the roles of a hero or villain, has spent a colourful life of acting. He is still in everyone's heart. Humayun Faridi is an immortal actor in love with the fans.
Humayun Faridi was born on May 29, 1952 in Nareenda, Dhaka. His father's name is ATM Nurul Islam, mother's name is Begum Farida Islam. Faridi was the second of four brothers and sisters. He was a student of United Islamia Government High School. In 1970, he appeared for the higher secondary examination from Chandpur Government College. In the same year, he joined the Organic Chemistry of Dhaka University to graduate. But the following year, when the liberation war started, he put a pen on his shoulder and carried a rifle. He has fought like a damal boy against Pakistani raids for 9 long months.
After independence, Humayun Faridi started his bachelor's career in the economics department of Jahangirnagar University instead of Dhaka University. This is where his acting talent developed. Inada took initiation in dramatics from Salim Al Din, excluding the sour theory of economics. While at Jahangirnagar University, he was a member of dhaka theatre. The colours of his performance continued to spread from this theatre group. He was the theatre secretary of the university's students' union.
There was a free movement of Humayun Faridi in drama, film or stage. He prepared himself by acting in stage plays like 'Shakuntala', 'Muntasi's Fantasy', 'Kirtankhola', 'Keramat Mangal' of Dhaka Theatre. He collects the love of the audience.
Humayun Faridi also made a stand in TV dramas and films across the stage. Humayun Faridi made his television debut in 1980 with 'Missing News'. In 1982, he made a hit by starring in 'Evening of Blueprints' and 'Watch with Telescopes' broadcast on Bangladesh Television. His serial play 'Sanshpathak' is still a voice on the memory page of the audience. He took himself to another height by playing kankata Ramadan in it. His other plays include 'Hearing the Sound of Breakdown', 'Bakulpur How far', 'Two residents of two bhuvans', 'A red saree', 'Mahua's mind', 'Saat Asman's staircase', 'One day suddenly', 'Ayatra', 'Stone Time', 'Two Brothers', 'Winter Bird', 'Nowhere', 'He is one', 'Chandrapada', 'Close man', 'Mohana', 'Chain', 'Priyajan Niwas'. He last directed a series of plays called 'Then Hemant' and acted in a play called 'Purna Chand Apurnata'.
Faridi's coming to the film from Natavinai was very dramatic. He was hesitant whether Rupali would work for the screen after seeing the poor condition of domestic films at that time. In the end, Faridi came to the big screen with the unstinting support of Suvarna Mustafa and a new ring in her determination. Tanvir Mokammel's 'Hulia' is his first film to star.
In the 1990s, commercial film director Shahidul Islam played negative roles in Khokon's 'Terror', 'Dinmazur', 'Veerpurush' and 'Laadaku'. It was then that the villain's character in domestic films got a different dimension. The situation was such that once upon a time people would go to theatres to see him instead of heroes.
Director Shahidul Islam Khokon kept Faridi in 25 of the 28 films including 'Vishwalover', 'Abduction', 'Dare'. His starring films also list 'Curd', '71 Jesus', 'Distance', 'Bachelor', 'Jayayatra', 'Shyamal Chhaya', 'Mother's Right', 'Right Chahi', 'Renunciation', 'Mother's Dignity', 'Motherhood' and 'Ah!' He made a significant change in the film industry in this country by acting in films like .
She won the National Film Award for 'Motherhood' in 2004. The powerful actor did not get a 21st medal while alive. But he won the 21st medal posthumously.
Humayun Faridi's personal life was not very happy. Minu was married in the early 80s. He left behind a girl named Devyani in the first world. Faridi had tied the house in love with actress Suvarna Mustafa after leaving with her first wife. That relationship also broke up in 2008. The powerful actor spent the next time quite lonely.